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Dominique Stork


 For the ones who lived
For you who is ready to benifit from the hard work once and for all

You have been through hard lessons in life and are ready to live your dreamlife.

What I do?

I guide you, hold you and support you through the hard work by alchemising, transmuting and supporting you in your process.

I Bring light to the dark
I show you opportunities 
I show you road that have been hidding for you thus far

The results you dream of
* Play freely with your kids
* Heaving boundaries that are honoured
* Laying down on the sofa because you worked hard
* Having energy and excitement to go to the gym or do workouts at home

I have been through it myself and I use this to teach you how to transform and create with the results you dream off

How I Do it?

I know how to get through sh*t I have done it myself so many times.

I use healing techniques, systemetic work, Physical excercises and  coaching techniques. And I will hold you accountable!

 I am a (Sport) Masseus, Reiki Master, Energetic coach, Cosmic Reptilian Hybride

For who is this?

For the one who’s been through the dirt.
For the one who is formiliar with hard work.
For the one who is ready to have all these lessons pay off for their benefit

Your consious and awakened and am looking to learn more about all the connections this and all life hold

Mother Nature is kind to us

You are nature, Nature is who you are

Be one with your body,
Be one with your higherself,
Be a witch, a warlock, a magician

When connecting with Mother Earth and our true nature, we unlock powers we only dream of and see in movies

You are made for big, magical things all we need is reconnect and find our own truth to unlock all of it

1-on-1 coaching & Mentorship

The imtimidate space of being with just the two of us, where we will deep dive into your life.
Where we will reveal patterns and transmute doubt and fear in to opportunity and possibility.

Packages are for 3/6/12months
Telegram/Voxer support in between calls optional
Always booked after a Connectioncall (verbindingsgesprek)

The Movement Mastermind

The ongoing Mastermind, where we will keep moving and make movement available.

3days Telegram coaching MWF
Bi-weekly groupcall
Weekly activation, motivation, inspiration share

This Mastermind is the place for you when you like close proximity and more days of telegram coaching


Throughout the year there are several Masterclasses offered live, Follow me on Instagram for the pre sale offers.



De sessie was vooral wonderlijk, maar ook hartverwarmend. Ik vind het concept van jongere versies van mijzelf nog steeds moeilijk te bevatten, maar de beklemming om mijn been was zeker daar. Jouw heftige inleving op het verdriet/angst van mijn jongste versie was onverwacht en bijzonder en maakte het voor mij beter invoelbaar. Of het beklijft zal de toekomst uitwijzen. De ontspanningsmassage was fijn en ik kan je zeggen dat ik de rest van de dag geen koude voeten heb gehad.

O wow, I have never seen it this way, your opening so many doors and opportunities with this. I love it and I finaly feel excited and within trust to move forward again

Je hebt wat pathways aangezet, nu had ik een upgrade bedacht love myself. En ik weet waarom ik nog niet had moeten kopen, dank je wel dat je mij dit pad hebt gewezen



Het Overslag 7
3906AA Veenendaal (UT)
The Netherlands


Monday – Friday

10AM – 4PM

Online and in person

Various with the package and offers

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